The Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States is an organization of war veterans committed to ensuring rights, remembering sacrifices, promoting patriotism, performing community services and advocating for a strong national defense.
After receiving their Charter and Election of Officers in 1947, the Post met twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Monday’s at the Garton Good fellowship hall at 8:00 PM. Dues at that time were $3.00. per year.
In January 1952 meetings were moved to the Turner hall annex and the social and business meetings were combined to one meeting a month. Monday night was not available so the meetings were moved to the 2nd Tuesday.
In January 1953 they moved back to the Garton Good Fellowship hall, meetings were moved to the 2nd Monday of the month, and in January 1954 moved to the Leiderkranz hall after the Garton Good Fellowship raised their rent to $3.00. In April 1954 the meetings were changed to the 4th Monday of the month.
In 1948 Commander James Larson made a deal with the VFW Post 1230 to assist them in their Poppy drive for 30% of the profits. The 1954 Poppy Drive made $156.74, 9156’s share was $47.02. After 1954 each post ran their own Poppy drives. As all the stores and businesses were on 8th Street each Post had one side of the street alternating every other year with the American Legion.
The early 1950’s were rough years for the Post. With no address and monthly meetings being held at different locations around the city , attendance at the meetings dwindled to the point where they had a hard time getting a quorum. At the June 25th, 1954 meeting a vote was taken to disband the Post and consolidate with Post 1230; this was defeated unanimously. Things began to improve when members realized their post was in danger of going defunct.
The post held their first Brat Fry on Bratwurst Day August 6, 1955 at Stan Segallis Oui-Oui Bar on the corner of 13th and Michigan Ave. In those days the Bratwurst Day celebration was held in the downtown area. Brat fry chairman George Bruss reported a profit of $214.18. the stand was later moved across the street to Denny’s Bar and then to Al Kuether’s Bar on the corner of 12th and Michigan Ave.
In August 1955 newly elected Commander Heinz Geissler began a membership drive that increased the Post membership by 275%, the largest ever in the State Department. Stan Segalle alone signed up 100 new members. Membership grew so much they had to move the meetings to the 99 Hall.
The Post held their first Poultry festival, now our chicken fry, on November 12, 1955 at the 99 Hall. Chairman Ed Casper reported it was a big success and made $147.47.
January 1956 a relief committee consisting of John Marten, George Bruss and Stanley Segalle was founded.
March 19, 1956, the post counsel held their first meeting at Erdman’s tavern; present were Heinz Giesler, John Stanber, Jr., Ed Casper, Walter Malzohn, Stan Segalle, Arthur Fritz, Emil Mahnke.
April 1956 minutes state that Ernie was starting a rifle squad. 14 members volunteered to be on the squad. At the June 25, 1956 meeting a motion to send the rifle squad members a card twice a month for practice sessions. No mention of the rifle squad was ever made after that.
Oct 27, 1958 minutes state that a firing squad was discussed again. Commander Robert Kellet ask for members who were interested in starting a squad. There were no replies so there will be no firing squad yet.
A February 23, 1959 motion made and passed to buy cleaning equipment and shells for the rifles. George Bruss will be in charge and keep the rifles at his house.