VFW Post 9156 accepts donated medical equipment and also lends it to veterans and their families in need. We are grateful for donations. Before accepting any equipment, we inspect it thoroughly. Any equipment that is worn out or non-functional will not be accepted. If we cannot put the equipment in the hands of a veteran in need, with your permission we will dispose of it and put whatever funds we receive into our veteran’s relief fund.
Below are items recently donated for loan:
- Chair Lift
- HoverAround Power Chair
If you have anything to donate including wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, canes and more, please contact the VFW Post 9156 Hospital Services chairman using the contact form below. We can provide a donation letter for you to use as a charitable deduction for your taxes.
To donate or borrow equipment from VFW Post 9156, please contact us by filling out the form below.